Joy Fest

Joy Fest is a fun and inspiring day out the first Health, Wellness and Conscious Living festival in the Far North

The festival takes place yearly in the beginning of January.

The festival is held on the private property, on a stunning peninsula at Buttler Point, Hihi, Doubtless Bay. It is home to the Whaling Museum.

Butler Point is a privately owned 26 hectare property in the Far North of New Zealand’s North Island. For nearly five decades the proprietors of Butler Point, the Ferguson Family, have developed the property into a Macadamia orchard and one of the Far North’s most fascinating heritage tourism destinations.

More details on what was happening and who was involved in the Joy Fest, held on 11 of January 2020

The message of the festival: 

If we want to create a more sustainable world, as well as nurturing ourselves, we need to nurture new ways of producing, of building, of feeding ourselves and others.

On January 11, Far North Joyfest will be a source of inspiration, knowledge, empowerment and everything else you need to make any resolution your reality.

If you’re ready to truly live your best life, check out the goodness-packed program and start dreaming of what you’ll create!

Featuring live music from Jon Sanders, MudWood, ChaiDaze and Nopera, great nutritious food, market stalls, wisdom talks, healing zone, kids activities, Live Our Best Life workshops including Scottish dancing, yoga, meditation, African drumming, Get Your Happy On, Food as Medicine, light earth and compost toilet workshops and so much more.

See more details below on musicians, yoga teachers, food and activities during the Joy Fest 


Far North Joyfest is the place to try a variety of yoga styles, all included in the price of your ticket!

  • Shakti Dance with Arvinderfee of Albany Yoga Room. Using beautiful melodies and great sounds, Shakti flowing asanas (stretches), standing sequences, free dance, relaxation and repetition of sound (mantra) Shakti Dance creates a focus for stillness and invites presence.

  • Yin with Susan. Yin yoga can be experienced and enjoyed by anyone! It works on the connective tissue that wraps around our muscles, bones and vital organs, helping to lubricate this tissue, keeping our joints mobile and improving movement in general. It’s a gentle, slow, floor-based practice.

  • Kundalini Yoga with Hari BansKundalini yoga is the yoga of awareness. Learn awareness – of your breath, your posture and more – to bring forth the gifts of your soul and transform your life!

  • Hatha/Raja and Yoga Nidra, which are all beneficial for anyone from absolute beginners to advanced practitioners! If you have a yoga mat, bring it along and prepare to return home feeling blissful.

Music & Dance

The Joy Fest festival was stocked to have all these musicians performing all day long: 

  • Chaidaze is a duo of the two beautiful souls.  They bring together a blend of acoustic guitar, soft melodic vocals, and djembe percussion. Beautiful music vibes that will warm your soul and clear your mind. Magnetic energy and sounds to relax to. 

  • Mudwood, another great authentic duo of locals from Peria playing on the day. Creativity flows through MudWood and together, they are committed to conscious music, inspiring through all creative channels, and helping people on their journeys to wellness and the honoring of the Earth, self, and each other. One not to be missed.
  • Ross Angell, aka Ritmo Amigo. Ross has been drumming since he was 8 and loves drums so much he even makes his own, often from trees he has felled himself! Who better to share the meditative power of drumming with our community?!

    Ross will guide a drumming meditation for all, and also teach children to connect to the earth using the beat of the drum.

  • Black Rose Belly Dance made up of Suzanne Marsh & Isabella Kerruish. Their session will consist of a performance of two short Tribal Belly Dances and a micro-mini workshop. It will also include a gratitude meditation set to music. So if you fancy moving your body, having lots of fun and learning some great moves this is a good session to come along to.

  •  Jon Sanders Music. Bassouki world music artist Jon Sanders has developed a unique sound and style that evokes diverse cultures in a “quantum leaping” way, according to the Irish Times. His brand new album Nada Brahma (meaning the word is sound in ancient Hindu) is 5 years in the making and explores the world of sound in the Celtic Folk, Afrofunk and Kirtan genres.

Healthy Organic Food

Local goodies that make you shine from within:

  • Anna from The Veggie Tree. If you don’t already know and love her culinary creations, odds are you know many people who do! “I will delight in nourishing festival-goers with delicious plant-based kai, including my Super Salad with protein grains, sprouts and toasted seeds, summer-inspired pakoras, tempeh burgers and some conscious cookies for the kids,” says Anna.

  • Avococodelight and their 8 flavors of unusual ice cream! Including maple syrup and walnut, peanut butter and chocolate, mint choc chip. Finished with a tasty dark chocolate or cinnamon dip.

  • Kerikeriorganic keeping you cool in a lovely nutritious way. Offering beautiful organic smoothies, fruit juice and smoothies on a stick. 

  • Beautiful food by I lov Sprouts. If you love fueling your body with pure goodness, you must check out I Lov Sprouts and their beautiful organic hemp pouches at the Far North Joyfest marketplace! Choose the seeds you fancy and prepare to delight in the simple wonder of adding fresh, nutrient-dense sprouts to your favourite meals. 

  • In delicious news your tummy will love: MamaZing Kombucha! As well as offering their famous kombucha, they’ll also have ZingChi Fermented Veggies, new Elixirs with superfoods, herbal potions and such. We love them because they use only the best ingredients to keep us refreshed. 

Womans Joy Circle

Introducing the lovely Kali Bell. Kali is facilitating a Womens Joy Circle, she is passionate about all things self-love and sister circles. 

“Self-love has enriched my life in many ways, and as a trained self love guide it brings me such joy to share the simple yet powerful tools with others. One of the branches of self love is pleasure and joy. Exactly what this incredible festival is all about. Together we’ll dive into what it is that brings us joy, so that we can gift ourselves more of that in our every day lives. Doing this in circle creates the space for our truth and insights to be reflected in each other and super charges our declarations. I can’t wait to celebrate more joy together!” 

Spiritual Healing

If you’re intrigued by spiritual healing work but have yet to experience a session, the Joy Fest Healing Zone is the place for you! All of the Healers joining the festival are relatively local, so if you experience something you love, you can continue your journey with them beyond. 

  • Kim Robertson Spiritual Awakening Coach is also a Psychic, Medium and Tarot Card Reader. In addition to her Law of Attraction workshop in the yoga tent, she is also offering a Tarot Card Readings.

  • Craig Lyle is a Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive and Psychic Surgeon. He is able to connect to Spirit and his guides to give you messages that will release you from pain, anxiety, depression and help you move forward in a positive and balanced state. 

  • Marilyn Brownell will offer Natural Bio – Energy Therapy. In this modality, body cells are “retuned” via passive placement of fingers on or off the body, often where the pain or injury is, but sometimes just on back or shoulders. Dis-ease in the body can often be linked to imbalances in the auric field caused by stress, trauma, emotion and environmental issues. During a session you will feel very relaxed and, on completion, can often experience major shifts and an overall sense of wellbeing. 

  • Interested in learning how to make the most of your unique energy? Leigh (Lavanya) run the wisdom talk zone for ‘Energy 101’, where you can learn:
    *how to discover what spiritual gifts you have
    *how energy works
    *how to work with your energy; clearing, healing and mastering it!
    *how to infuse your body with life-expanding light.

  • Nutrition for Wellness – mini-coaching session. Master your Mind-Talk with one simple technique. Connect and Release Emotional Holding safely. Bodywork – what is your body telling you? 

  • Healthier Life is blessing us with the presence of a couple of Xen Pod Lymphacisers. As they mention on the website “The Lymphatic System is the foundation of the immune, digestive, cleansing and cell communication systems. It controls the body’s energy and information circuits, enzyme production and regeneration.
    If the lymphatic system becomes sluggish or impaired in its task of removing cellular waste, the information it carries will be overloaded with toxins and the body will become unhealthy. Therefore if we can assist the body in moving lymph fluid more efficiently with a lymphaciser, our health will improve and pain will subside.” 

  • Marsha Jones is holding workshops on Polarity Therapy is a unique modality that seeks to balance the flow of energy via our physical body, nervous system, and energy field. 


Another wonderful opportunity to support a local artisan. Rut is offering beautiful handmade felt products at the Felts U Need. So if you are looking for something unique check out her creative collection. 



Butler Point is open to the public by appointment only.

Please contact us before arranging your visit.

Freephone: 0800 MUSEUM
