Swimming with Dolphins in Rangiputa, video

Rangiputa is covered with magical white sands and looks like a tropical island. Enjoy a beautiful video of dolphins swimming in Rangiputa.

Watch the video below 


Rangiputa Beach is located on the KariKari Peninsula. It’s magical beaches are covered with white sands. It feels like you are not in New Zealand, when you are in Rangiputa!

Panoramic View of Rangiputa

It looks like a tropical island with turquoise clear water.

And provides an unspoilt and isolated feeling…  It’s beach is perfect for swimming, snorkelling & surfcasting. With pods of dolphins cruising in its waters as often guests.

Here are some facts about dolphins in New Zealand

They love to have fun!  They are social and playful animals, creating lifelong friendships. They are the fastest swimmers in the sea! And are often seen following boats & riding on the bow waves of ships.

Dolphins can maintain 22 knots (40 kmh / 25 mph) per hour for long periods. Bottlenose dolphins are often seen along east coast of New Zealand. They usually swim in groups of 30 dolphins and they can leap up to 5m in the air!

Aerial Panoramic View of Rangiputa

There are around 450 Bottlenose dolphins living around the North Island area

Bottlenose males are among the largest dolphins, growing to 3m or more, and weighing up to 300kg. Beautiful and Intelligent animals, dolphins are safe to swim with.